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Games on Friday, March 28, 2025
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Fall Jr Rec Soccer Starts this Sunday 9/10!
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 4:09:00 PM
We are looking forward to the start of our HV Storm Junior Rec Program this Sunday, 9/10 at 1:00-2:30PM. This program will take place at our fields located in Highland Township park, 4200 N. Hickory Ridge Road in Highland. Do not come to the HVAC main office! Plan to arrive early for parking and to check in at the table located near field 6 and pick up jerseys. Field A will be closest to field #1, Field B is at the south end of field #5 and field C is at the south end of field #4. Players should wear cleats and shin guards, athletic shorts and socks. Bring water and a size 4 soccer ball. Report to your game field after check in. Coaches will run a technical training session first and the game will be the final 45 minutes of the session. Games will be 2 20 minute halves. If there is any thunder or lightning during our program we will either delay the program for 30 minutes or cancel based on how quickly the storm is expected to clear. If there is rain with no thunder or lightning we will play!
Rookies games cancelled 5/19 due to rain
Friday, May 19, 2023 1:35:43 PM
All Rookies games are cancelled tonight due to the weather. We will communicate the rescheduled times as soon as we have the schedule worked out. Thanks!
Week 1 moved indoors
Friday, April 14, 2023 4:50:55 PM
All HV Storm JR Rec sessions will be moved to our indoor turf building this Sunday April 16th due to the predicted thunderstorms. The indoor turf building is located at our main complex at 201 Lone Tree Road, It is the HUGE Red building. Rather than risk delays and cancellations at the site we decided to make the early call and move it inside to make sure that the program continues as scheduled! Check in in the lobby area to find your team information and pick up your jersey. Indoor fields are A, B & C with A being the closest to the entrance. Parking may be a little tricky as there will be other programs and games at the facility. You can park in the Milford High School lot and walk over- it's not too far of a walk! We're excited to start this season and hope to see you all Sunday!
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